Using JavaScript modules

JavaScript Modules are an implementation of ES6 Modules. They allow a useful way to organize and reuse JavaScript code. JavaScript Modules consist of a set of features that provide module functionality.


Freelancing over the Internet - Drawbacks and Benefits

In this article I describe my experiences and conclusions of working as a Freelancer over the internet. I will describe the benefits and drawbacks of Freelancing in general with an emphasis of Freelance I.T work.


ES6 brings new features to JavaScript

The ES6 standard has introduced several changes to JavaScript. These changes include Classes, Proxies, Promises, Modules, Iterators and Generators and more


Using await and async with Promises

The async keyword is used when declaring functions. A function declared with async must return a promise. If a function is declared with async and it does not return a promise, then the JavaScript engine will automatically convert the return value of the function to a promise object.


Using generators, classes and objects in JavaScript

All values in JavaScript are objects except for primitive values which have no methods and properties.
