Using JavaScript promises

A Promise is defined as an object representing the eventual completion or failure of an asynchronous operation. When creating a Promise object, we have to pass a function called executor as the constructor parameter. The function should accept two functions as arguments called resolve and reject.


Using Web Components in JavaScript

Web Components is a suit of different technologies that allow creating and using reusable custom HTML elements. Currently it is based on the three main features which are: Custom Elements, Shadow DOM and HTML Templates.


Generating free SSL certificate from LetsEncrypt on localhost

If your website hosting allows uploading SSL certificates but does not allow SSH access and you need a SSL certificate for your website, then a free SSL certificate from LetsEncrypt is a good option.


How To Change Account Passwords on an OpenLDAP Server

To change the LDAP admin password, we need to first save the rootdn account information. We can do this with the command:


INADEQUATE_SECURITY - SSL Cipher problems with HTTP2

HTTP2 requires encryption over SSL. The recommended SSL protocol for HTTP2 is TLS 1.2. Ciphers are encryption algorithms used by SSL protocols.
