All Posts tagged as "frontend web development"

5 Best JavaScript Editors: Developers Rank the Best Tools Worldwide

JavaScript has continued to grow in importance over the last decade. In fact, according to StackOverflow’s Insights, JavaScript has been the most popular programming language for the past 7 years, edging out popular languages including Python, C# and Java. The State of Javascript survey, which includes responses from over 20,000 developers, reveals that five JavaScript editors stand out accounting 95% of all usage!


Responsive website design with Element Queries

Element Queries allow changing the size of a HTML element based on the style of other elements. Element queries are similar to media queries, but are based on element size instead of browser or view-port size.


JavaScript arrow functions and the let keyword

JavaScript arrow functions are unnamed functions which are best used as non-method functions. They provide a short hand notation for using functions. An arrow function consists of a list of function parameters followed by an arrow which is followed by an expression to be returned or a code block.


Using JavaScript modules

JavaScript Modules are an implementation of ES6 Modules. They allow a useful way to organize and reuse JavaScript code. JavaScript Modules consist of a set of features that provide module functionality.


ES6 brings new features to JavaScript

The ES6 standard has introduced several changes to JavaScript. These changes include Classes, Proxies, Promises, Modules, Iterators and Generators and more


Using await and async with Promises

The async keyword is used when declaring functions. A function declared with async must return a promise. If a function is declared with async and it does not return a promise, then the JavaScript engine will automatically convert the return value of the function to a promise object.


Using generators, classes and objects in JavaScript

All values in JavaScript are objects except for primitive values which have no methods and properties.


Using JavaScript promises

A Promise is defined as an object representing the eventual completion or failure of an asynchronous operation. When creating a Promise object, we have to pass a function called executor as the constructor parameter. The function should accept two functions as arguments called resolve and reject.


Using Web Components in JavaScript

Web Components is a suit of different technologies that allow creating and using reusable custom HTML elements. Currently it is based on the three main features which are: Custom Elements, Shadow DOM and HTML Templates.


Adding event listeners using JavaScript

The addEventListener function can be used to listen for events. The function can be called on any HTML DOM object such as HTML elements, HTML document, the window object or objects that support events such as xmlHttpRequest. The following example shows how to attach event listener to the window object:


Creating custom playlists for MediaElementPlayer

MediaElement Player is a HTML/CSS Video/Audio player for the web. It is based on MediaElement.js media framework library. Both player and library are available as open source and free of cost under the MIT license.


Using Prefetch, Preload and Preconnect for speeding page load times

Prefetch, Preload and Preconnect are mechanisms supported by modern web browsers that allow efficient loading of web resources.


Using cookies in Javascript

Cookies allow websites to store information on the user browsers. They are usually used to store website session related information.


Adding drag and drop to list items

In order to drag and drop HTML list items, we need to set the draggable attribute of the list items to true. We also need to define event handlers on the list items for the following events: dragstart, drop and dragover.


What are CSS Grid Systems

CSS Grid Systems are CSS style-sheets that contain commonly used CSS classes. These CSS classes can be applied to HTML elements such as div tags. They provided functionalities such as tables and grids. The CSS classes are responsive so they work on devices of different sizes.


What are CSS Media Queries

CSS Media Queries allow us to use CSS rules for particular media


Advantages of HTML 5 validation

In this blog post I will discuss briefly the importance of HTML 5 and how to create standards compliant HTML code.


Responsive website design with Twitter Bootstrap

Designing your website so it is accessible on all type of devices is a popular topic and is often referred to as Responsive Website Design. This blog post describes my experience of developing a website according to Responsive Website Design principles.


Responsive web design with HTML 5 and CSS 3

Responsive website design is a design practice which aims at designing web pages with a layout that works on all devices. It involves several techniques such as responsive images, grid layouts, fluid layouts, media queries and more.


What is responsive design

Responsive Design is a new trend in Web Design. It was started by Ethan Marcotte. Responsive Design is the design of websites that work well when viewed on a wide range of devices. For example a responsive website will look good on Iphone, Ipad, Tablets, Laptops and Desktops.


What is the difference between viewports and device width

View port is the viewable area of a browser where the website is shown.
