All Posts tagged as "software installation and configuration"

Setting up your own Content Delivery Network using Bind DNS

Recently I worked on constructing a simple Content Delivery Network using Bind DNS. I will share my experience in this blog post. Bind DNS is an open source DNS server. It is the most widely used DNS server. DNS is one of the building blocks of the internet. The main use of DNS is to translate domains names to IP Addresses. DNS also has other uses such as securing email.


Installing LXC containers on Debian Jessie

Containers are light weight virtual machines that can be used to isolate processes. Containers implement operating system level virtualization. This means that all containers running on a host will share the kernel of the host operating system.


Installing W3C Markup Validator and Validator Nu on Debian Jessie

W3C Markup Validator and are two useful tools that can be used to validate HTML code. W3C Markup validator allows validating xhtml, html, xml, mathml and more. allows validating HTML 5 code. The W3C Markup validator is written in Perl, while the is written in Java. Both tools are actively being developed.


Installing Rocket Chat and Wekan on Ubuntu Server

Rocket Chat and Wekan are useful online collaboration tools. Both tools are open source and can be downloaded and installed for free.
