All Posts tagged as "software installation and configuration"


Installing HumHub and Communote on Debian Jessie

HumHub and Communote are both web based social network platforms that allow teams and small organizations to communicate and collaborate using Activity Streams, Messaging, Blogging, Tagging and more. HumHub is based on the Yii Php Framework, while Communote is written in Java.


Installing NextCloud, Collabora and Spreed on Debian Jessie

NextCloud is a document management and collaboration system. It allows users to access their images, documents, spreadsheets and other files from any location and any device.


Open Project - Collaborative Project Management

Open Project is an online project management application with collaboration features. It is one of the most popular open source project management software.


Securing your Email server

In this blog post I will describe my experience with installing, configuring and securing an email server. Many companies have their own email servers but one thing I noticed about in house email servers is that they are very unreliable.
