All Posts tagged as "server configuration"

Running Graphical applications within LXD containers

LXD containers provide an isolated environment, which is separate from the main host. Sometimes we may need to run GUI apps from the container. For example during development of desktop applications.


Integrating ModSecurity with Nginx on Debian 9

ModSecurity is a an open source Web Application Firewall (WAF). It can detect as well as prevent attacks to web applications. Initially released as an Apache web server module, ModSecurity now supports all major Web Servers including IIS, Nginx and Apache.


Apache and Nginx - Quick Tips

Following are some quick tips related to Apache and Nginx Web Servers:


Cron Jobs - Quick Tips

Following are some quick tips related to Cron Jobs:


Increasing web server timeout

If your website is based on PHP and is being served by Apache web server with Nginx as reverse proxy, then you may have experienced 504 Gateway Timeout errors. The error usually happens because some PHP script takes longer than usual to run.


Getting /etc/rc.local file to work on Debian 9 (Stretch)

Debian Stretch uses the rc.local service for executing commands on system startup. To use this service we need to run the following commands:


Configuring Apache mod status

Apache Mod Status is an Apache module that provides useful information about the requests being sent to Apache.


Disabling output buffering with mod_fcgid

Output buffering in PHP allows output from a PHP script to be stored in a buffer. When the buffer is flushed, the output is displayed to the user. Sometimes we may want to disable output buffering, so we can quickly access the output from a PHP script. For example it is useful to be able to view the output from long running scripts.


Permanently authenticating with remote git repositories

Some times we need to non-interactively run scripts which commit to git source code repositories that are hosted remotely. For example we may want push changes to a git repository stored on Bit Bucket. Normally we will be asked to enter our Bit Bucket credentials, but this can be automated.


Configuring Apache to process html files as php

To allow Apache web server, to process files ending with .html as PHP files, we need to do two things. First we need to set the content-type http header for .html files to text/html. Secondly, we need to tell the Apache web server to process HTML files as PHP files.
