All Posts tagged as "virtualization"

Installing Docker on Debian Jessie

Docker is a solution for managing light weight containers. To install Docker on Debian Jessie, we need to first install packages to allow apt to use a repository over HTTPS. We can do this using the command:


Installing LXC containers on Debian Jessie

Containers are light weight virtual machines that can be used to isolate processes. Containers implement operating system level virtualization. This means that all containers running on a host will share the kernel of the host operating system.


Running LXC containers on a Google Compute Instance

Google Cloud Platform is a Google product that provides services related to Cloud Computing. Services provided by Google Cloud include Compute, Storage and Databases, Networking, Big Data, Machine Learning and more.

server management

Server Migration with Plesk

Plesk is a commercial platform for managing website hosting. The cost of using Plesk depends on the number of domains to be managed, type of hosting (dedicated or VPS), addon products such as anti virus etc. Plesk allows managing FTP, Email, web site hosting, DNS and more.
