HTTPS Certificates are files that are used to secure websites. A website that is secured using HTTPS is accessed using the HTTPS protocol. For example HTTPS certificates are issued by a Certificate Authority (CA). Lets Encrypt is a CA that issues HTTPS certificates free of cost.
ReadJekyll is a static site generator. It generates static HTML pages from content written in Mark Down or HTML. Its different from other website publishing tools in that it does not use a database.
ReadThe latest version of MySQL server currently is 8.03. To upgrade MySQL server from a previous version we need to ensure that we are upgrading from the last stable release. For example from version 5.7 to 8.0.
ReadR is a free software package for statistical computing. It is part of most Linux distributions. However the latest version of R is not always available. To install the latest version of R we need to add the URL of a CRAN mirror to a file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d.