All Posts tagged as "cyber security"

cyber security

Securing websites using Content-Security-Policy and X-Frame-Options

Websites are playing an increasingly important role in society. They are no longer used casually. Over the last few years websites have evolved from an amusing hobby to a platform for delivering important content. The content delivered by websites is being used to make important decisions. It is therefore very important to ensure that website content is securely delivered.

cyber security

Preventing SSH and SQL injection attacks using Fail2ban

Fail2Ban is an intrusion detection and prevention tool for Linux operating system. It is written in Python language. It works by checking log files using regular expressions. Entries that match the regular expression are banned by adding the IP address to the system firewall.


Linux Server Security - Quick Tips

Following are some quick tips related to Linux Server Security:

cyber security

Preventing WordPress Spam

WordPress is a very popular platform for publishing websites. Almost all features that one can expect from a website are provided in the form of open source plugins and themes. Adding new features to a website is as easy as installing a plugin and configuring it.
