The user interface of Redmine can be easily customizing using the redmine_custom_css and redmine_custom_js plugins.
To add a background image to the Redmine login page the following JavaScript code can be used:
$( document ).ready(function() {
if ($("#top-menu").html().indexOf("Sign out") < 0) {
document.querySelector("#content > h2").classList.add("hide");
The above code checks if the “Sign out” link is present in the header. If it is not present, then it adds a CSS class called “custom-background” to the div with id “main”. It also does some minor formatting of the layout. The “custom-background” CSS class may be defined with the help of the redmine_custom_CSS plugin. It can be defined as follows:
.custom-background {
background: #ffffff url( no-repeat scroll 50px 0 !important;
We can edit the Redmine top menu bar with the help of the redmine_custom_js plugin. For example the following code adds a new menu item to the top menu bar when the user is logged in:
if ($("#top-menu").html().indexOf("<ul>")>0) {
var updated_list_items = "<li class='item-0'><a href='https:/'>Company Name</a></p></li>";
updated_list_items = updated_list_items + ($("#top-menu > ul").html());
$("#top-menu > ul").html(updated_list_items);
The above code first checks if the list of menu items is present. If it is present, then it creates a new menu item and adds it to the front of the list of menu items.