Evolution of web development

Websites may be developed in different ways. We can code a website from scratch or we can use libraries and frameworks. Or a combination of both approaches. All websites have a front-end end, which is displayed in a web browser to the end user. The website front-end may fetch data from a server. The data provided by the server may reside in flat files or in databases. The server may return raw data or it may process the data and combine it with presentation code.


Migrating blog to Gatsby

Gatsby is a modern framework for developing websites. It requires knowledge of the React JavaScript framework and Node.js. Gatsby uses an innovative approach toward developing websites which is quite different from the common website development workflow.


Separating source code and development environment using Docker

A common problem faced by developers involves setting up development environments. Tools such as Docker and Vagrant allow separating source code and development environments.


Pak Php CRM

Pak Php CRM is a simple web based task management application. It can be used by web developers to keep track of tasks, income, billing, goals and more.


Installing Ghost on Debian Stretch

Ghost is an open source blogging platform similar to WordPress. It is based on a modern web architecture and has very good performance and security. It is very popular and is used by major corporations including Mozilla, NASA, Apple and more.
