Disabling output buffering with mod_fcgid

Output buffering in PHP allows output from a PHP script to be stored in a buffer. When the buffer is flushed, the output is displayed to the user. Sometimes we may want to disable output buffering, so we can quickly access the output from a PHP script. For example it is useful to be able to view the output from long running scripts.


Exo Platform - Intranet portal and collaboration

Exo Platform is an Intranet portal with collaboration features written in Java language. It is available as open source. It allows employees to collaborate effectively and productively. Its main features are an activity stream, documents, wiki, calendar, forums, contacts and spaces.


Installing Docker on Debian Jessie

Docker is a solution for managing light weight containers. To install Docker on Debian Jessie, we need to first install packages to allow apt to use a repository over HTTPS. We can do this using the command:


Permanently authenticating with remote git repositories

Some times we need to non-interactively run scripts which commit to git source code repositories that are hosted remotely. For example we may want push changes to a git repository stored on Bit Bucket. Normally we will be asked to enter our Bit Bucket credentials, but this can be automated.


Using Redir command for redirecting ports

Redir is a very useful command line script that allows port redirection. The script listens on the given TCP port and forwards incoming connection to the given IP address and port
