Recently I worked on constructing a simple Content Delivery Network using Bind DNS. I will share my experience in this blog post. Bind DNS is an open source DNS server. It is the most widely used DNS server. DNS is one of the building blocks of the internet. The main use of DNS is to translate domains names to IP Addresses. DNS also has other uses such as securing email.
ReadRecently I had the opportunity of on tuning website performance using Varnish. Varnish is called a Caching HTTP Reverse Proxy. This means it sits between your end user and one or more back-end servers such as Apache or Nginx and functions as a cache for HTTP traffic.
ReadJWPlayer is one of the most widely used video players. It has evolved from a simple video player into a video publishing platform. The latest version 7 of the player is a major upgrade from the last version. Websites that use the old JWPlayer 6 should upgrade to the latest version.